Academic Legal Writing for Foreign Lawyers   [Archived Catalog]
School of Law 2013-2014 Academic Catalog

LAW 901 - Academic Legal Writing for Foreign Lawyers

Credits, 2 sem. hrs.
This 3 credit summer course is required for all LL.M. students. Enrollment is limited to foreign post-graduate students. The goal of the course is to teach students U.S. legal terminology and English composition skills in order to enable them to write correctly within U.S. legal studies, the U.S. work place or when representing a U.S. client in their home countries. Students submit article or case summaries twice weekly, allowing them to improve their writing skills. The summaries will be discussed in small groups. There will be an exam at the end of the course and before the start of the fall semester. Students must earn at least a “C” grade to pass. Passing is a condition for fall and spring course registration and enrollment.