Child Advocacy Clinic in Youth Court   [Archived Catalog]
School of Law 2013-2014 Academic Catalog

LAW 610 - Child Advocacy Clinic in Youth Court

Credits, 3 sem. hrs.
Prerequisite(s): Students must have completed 45 credit hours.

This course will examine the substantive and procedural laws governing cases of alleged child abuse and neglect, termination of parental rights and finalization of adoptions in Mississippi courts. Students will represent children in the court system with the close support and supervision of a faculty member. Building on the field experience of actual case handling as a basis for analysis, it seeks to make students more self-critical and reflective about various lawyering functions they must undertake. In order for students to effectively represent juvenile clients, the course will include instruction concerning child psychology, identifying signs of child abuse and neglect, client interviewing and case file management.